2017年5月17日 星期三

防空演習怎麼說? 中英對照練習

這是美國在臺協會給在台灣的外籍朋友們的溫馨提醒。這些英文不難懂,但是如果從下面中文翻譯成英文,是否能掌握的好呢? 透過中英文對照,體會每句話的意思與背後的功能。嘗試著看中文意思寫出英文,最後對照自己與原文的差異點,作為學習的參考。

The Taipei City government has announced that an air defense exercise (Wan An No. 40) will be held from 1:30 p.m.-2:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 18, 2017. 

During the 30 minute exercise, the trains will be operating as usual. However, passengers will not be able to exit the MRT station after they arrive on the train. Please also note that vehicles cannot be driven on Taipei streets during the exercise (highways are not restricted). If you happen to be outdoors when the alarm sounds, you (and your vehicle) will be required to pull to the side of the road and/or take cover nearby. Please plan accordingly. (AIT email announcement, 2017)

台北市政府公佈,於2017年5月18日週四下午1:30 到 2:00 舉行防空演習 (萬安40號)。

在此30分鐘的演習中列車將正常運行,但當旅客到站後將不得離開捷運站。同時,在此演習中汽機車也不得行駛於台北市區街道 (高速道路不受限於此)。如果您在警報聲響起時正好在外面,您 (與您的汽機車) 將會被要求靠邊暫停並且就近掩蔽。請根據此狀況安排行程。



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