2024年7月22日 星期一

會話短句:I feel you... 我懂...


I feel you 是一句非正式的英語表達方式,通常用於表示同理心或理解對方的感受。它可以翻譯成中文的「我理解」、「我感同身受」、「我懂你」等。

I feel you 這個短句其實是「I understand how you feel」的簡化版本。這種簡化的表達方式使得對話更加親切自然,通常用在對方表達某種情緒或困難的時候。

    A: I'm so disappointed that I didn't get the job.
    B: I feel you. Job hunting can be really tough.

像是當朋友抱怨工作壓力大時,你可以說:「I feel you. I've been there too.」意思是「我懂你,我也曾經有過這樣的經歷。」


  • 對話一:

    • A: I can't believe I failed my exam. I've studied so hard.
    • B: I feel you. It's really disappointing.
  • 對話二:

    • A: I've been feeling so stressed with all these deadlines.
    • B: I feel you. It's been tough for everyone.
  • 對話三:

    • A: I'm just so tired of all the drama in my life.
    • B: I feel you. Sometimes it feels like too much to handle.

  1. I feel you 通常用於非正式的場合。
    「I understand your feelings」或
    「I can relate to what you're going through」。

  2. I feel you 也可用於表示 同意 對方的觀點。例如:

    A: I think the new movie is overrated.
    B: I feel you. I didn't think it was that great either.

有時候你可能會聽到類似的句子,比如「I hear you」或「I get you」,意思也相近,都是表示理解和同情。

I hear you: 用來表示你在聽對方說話並理解他們的感受。
I hear you, it's not easy dealing with that.

I get you: 更加口語化的一種表達,表示你完全理解對方的情緒。
I get you, it's frustrating.




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