2015年8月8日 星期六

USA Today: Typhoon Soudelor "taking dead aim" at Taiwan 以台灣為死亡目標???

2015/08/06 USA Today: 今日美國 的新聞標題

Typhoon Soudelor taking dead aim at Taiwan
Typhoon Soudelor is taking dead aim at Taiwan and is expected to make landfall Friday,...

To take dead aim 精確瞄準、鎖定目標,有不偏不倚的意思,
當中的 dead 是當精準來解釋,其實並沒有死亡的意思。


在其他地方也可以看到這種說法,比如:Golf.com 中有一篇文章 
Golf Teacher Hall of Fame -- Harvey Penick  當中的一段文字:

Penick will always be remembered for his advice to "Take Dead Aim." He explained this as meaning that during the time you address the golf ball, hitting it has got to be the most important thing in your life. Shut out all thoughts other than picking out a target and taking dead aim at it. Forget about how your swing looks and concentrate on where you want the ball to go. (Penick 將會因為他給的忠告「鎖定目標」而永遠被記得。他的意思是每當你擺好高爾夫球、擺好姿勢時,要揮把球擊出要當作是你這一生中最重要的事。屏除其他雜念,選中一個目標,然後精確的瞄準它。忘掉你揮的姿勢,並把精神集中在要把球往你選定的方向打出去。)
In his Little Red Book he says to "take dead aim at a spot on the fairway or the green, refuse to allow any negative thought to enter your head, and swing away...Make it a point to do it every time on every shot. Don't just do it when you happen to remember...I can't say it too many times." (在他的”小紅書“中指出,「精確地瞄準球道或果嶺的目標點,不讓內心產生任何負面想法,接著揮出去... 每次的揮桿都要記得這個要點,不要只是偶爾想到才這樣做... 我已經說到不要再說了。」)



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