2013年5月21日 星期二

Fun Slang: What do you think it means? 好玩的俚語


When are you going to say "yes" and marry me? 你哪時會說"我願意"然後嫁給我?
When pigs fly.  英文說的是"當豬飛的時候",而中文字幕會寫"絕無可能"。


重要句型:What do you think it means?  你認為它的意思是什麼?
回答則用:I think it means ...  我認為它的意思是 ...

[1] Warm Up

(1) What do you think “when pigs fly” means?
   I think it means …
     A.  to lose some weight  減輕重量
     B.  no chance  沒有機會
     C.  being smart  聰明
     D.  easy things   簡單的事情
     E.  difficult things  困難的事情

(2) What do you think “cross the line” means?
   I think it means …
     A.  don’t know how to drive  不會開車
     B.  too nice to someone  對某人太好
     C.  breaking the law  犯法
     D.  being unacceptable  令人無法接受的

(3) What do you think “six one way, half a dozen the other” means?
   I think it means …
     A.  being fair  公平對待
     B.  about the same one and another  兩者差不多
     C.  equal amount  數量相等
     D.  lose count  算不出來

(4) Is it nice to call someone “chicken”?
   It’s nice/not nice to call someone chicken, because it usually means the person…
     A.  is thin  很瘦
     B.  is short  很矮
     C.  is a coward  是懦夫
     D.  sings very bad  唱歌很難聽
     E.  Is proud  驕傲的

(5) Is it nice to call someone “pigheaded”?
   It’s nice/not nice to call someone pigheaded, because it usually means the person…
     A.  who is very stupid  很笨
     B.  who is very lazy  很懶惰
     C.  who is the boss  是老闆
     D.  who eats a lot  吃很多
     E.  who is stubborn  頑固

Answers: (1) B  (2) D  (3) B  (4) C  (5) E

[2] Fun Slang

Part 1~
when pigs fly  豬飛的時候 (絕不可能)
rat race  老鼠賽跑 (永無止境的競爭)
weed out  除去雜草 (淘汰)
washed up  像是被洗過的 (筋疲力盡,力氣都放完了)
up in the air  掛在空中 (懸而未決)
under my skin  鑽到我的皮下 (讓我極不舒服)
tie the knot  打結 (結婚)
throw in the towel  扔毛巾 (認輸,放棄)
the walls have ears  牆有耳朵 (隔牆有耳)
take a hike  走路 (滾蛋)

Part 2~ 
straight from the horse's mouth  聽馬說的 (根據最可靠的消息來源)
sleep on it  睡在上面 (考慮一晚上)
six one way, half a dozen the other 一邊六個,一邊半打 (半斤八兩)
see right through someone  一眼看穿 (洞燭其奸)
rain on your parade  遊行時下雨 (掃興,澆冷水)
put up the white flag  豎白旗 (投降,放棄)
put the cart before the horse  車在馬前 (本末倒置)
pop the question  提出大問題 (求婚)
poker face  撲克面孔 (喜怒不形於色)
play it by ear 不用看譜演奏 (隨機應變)

Part 3~ 
pieces come together  拼圖遊戲湊成圖案 (諸事順利,達成完美結果)
peas in a pod  一莢之豆 (好哥兒們)
out of the pan and into the fire  跳出鍋裏,掉進火裏 (每況愈下)
one step ahead of you  領先你一步 
on the tip of my tongue  話到舌尖,呼之欲出
on my nerves  惹我心煩
on the rocks  觸礁,擱淺;加冰塊
keep an ear to the ground  一耳貼地 (注意新動向)
in the middle of nowhere  周圍什麼也沒有 (前不見村,後不著店)
get the ball rolling  讓球滾起來 (動起手來)

Part 4~ 
every cloud has a silver lining  烏雲也有銀邊 (塞翁失馬)
hit the road  上路 (出發)
days are numbered  日子可數 (來日無多)
don't hold your breath  別憋著呼吸、不須屏息以待 (別期望太高)
cut to the chase  抄捷徑去追獵物 (不繞圈子,開門見山,單刀直入)
dead-end  死路、死巷子 (事情或線索沒辦法繼續下去)
cross the line  跨過線 (做得太過分了)
cost someone an arm and a leg  要花上一條胳膊一條腿 (代價昂貴)
butterflies in my stomach  肚裏有蝴蝶 (心裏緊張,七上八下)
bump into  撞上 (巧遇)




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