2013年1月8日 星期二


Today we are going to talk about the "4P" of the marketing. 
Do you know what they are?  
Don't worry~ we’ll talk about them later.

Warm up~ Talk about these question first

1. Do you like to get coffee from Starbucks (星巴克)?  Why?

2. Do you think Starbucks coffee is too expensive?  Why?

3. Why do people like Starbucks?

4. Are you using traditional cell phone or smart phone?  
    Why did you choose the brand?

5. Do you prefer Pizza Hot Pizza (必勝客) or Domino's Pizza (達美樂)?  Why?

The First P: Product
Think of one famous brand product that you have, and talk about it.  
  1. Brand name:
  2. After service and support:
  3. Appearance:

The Second P: Price
How do companies decide the price for their products? 
  1. Pricing strategy:
  2. Suggested retail/list price:

The Third P: Place
Decisions about the place include: distribution channels, market coverage, distribution centers and transportation.
  1. Where is the product available to buy?
     (Retail stores, a dealership, a convenience store, a shopping mall, a boutique etc.)
  2. Did you ever buy from shopping channels? 
     (On the internet?  From a catalogue?  From direct mail?)
  3.Which of these channels do you prefer?  Why?

The Fourth P: Promotion
Decisions about the promotion include: promotional strategy, advertising, sales promotions, public relation and marketing budget.
  1. How do you usually find out about new products?
     (TV commercials, internet, news papers, radio, recommended by friends etc.)
  2. Did you get a gift or a discount when you buying the product?
  3. Does the product use famous spokespeople for promotion?  

Are unknown products low quality and famous products high quality?



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