2012年12月25日 星期二

Happy New Year!!! 新年快樂~ (基礎會話)

Time passes really fast, here comes another year!  
At the end of the year, it’s always time to make New Year’s Resolutions for the next year.  You take a close look at your life,
see what you want to change and make a plan to change it.

[1] Warm up~

Final countdown  倒數計”秒”
Fireworks  煙火
New Year’s Eve  新年前夕
Celebrate  慶祝

Tom: How do you celebrate New Year’s Eve?
May: We will watch the fireworks on TV.
           Do you have any plans on New Year’s Eve?
Tom: We will have a nice dinner and waiting for the final countdown at a bar.
May: It sounds a good idea.


You: How do you celebrate New Year’s Eve?
Partner:                                                          .
               Do you have any plans on New Year’s Eve?
You:                                                             .
Partner: It sounds a good idea.

[2] Hopes / Wishes  你知道它們的差別嗎?

I WANT my English to be better. 我想要我的英文更好。

I HOPE I can save more money. 我希望我能存更多錢。

I WISH I were rich. 但願我非常有錢。

My DREAM is to be a singer. 我的夢想是當一個歌手。

I WISH you luck. 我祝你好運。

[3] Will / be going to  你知道它們的差別嗎?

I will go to school tomorrow.
I am going to go to school tomorrow.

I will be rich some day.
I                                           .

I will pick you up later.
I                                           .

I will send you some flowers.
I                                           .

[4] My New Year’s Resolutions!

Now, think about how you can change something about yourself in the next year that brings you closer to the goal of your “health, career, relationship or more.”

Let’s make some plans and make it happen. 
1. What is your goal?  你的目標是什麼?
2. What are your plans?  你計畫如何達成目標?
3. How would you do?  如何執行與落實計劃?

Some things you could say:
1. What is your goal?
2. Plans to achieve your goal?
3. How would you do to make your plan work?



歡迎留下想法或意見供彼此交流!! Thank you!! ^o^